Here are some personal and class related coding projects.
I have courses in Math Foundations of Computing, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Theory of Computation, Software Development, Application Development, Spatial Agent-Based Modeling, and Algorithms. Most of my coding is done in Java, C++, and Python.

Shazam for Shapes
This project uses Similarity Estimation to find the most similar shapefile by shape to a dataset of other shapefiles. These files are not included. Made with Python.

Audio Project
This C++ application comes from a group project from my OOP and GUI App Dev class. It works with audio files in order to visualize the sound waves for close analysis. The program involves making waveforms and spectrograms of 16, 24, and 32 bit audio, with segmentation and graphing options as well.

This C++ application is an individual project from my OOP and GUI App Dev class. It allows drawings to be created and saved, with tables to view their specific attributes.

Huffman Encoder
This C++ application is an individual project from my OOP and GUI App Dev class. It uses a Huffman's encoding algorithm to shrink the size of files and decode any encoded file.

Color Histogram
This C++ application is an individual project from my OOP and GUI App Dev class. It creates a histogram to analyze the pixel color values in any inputted image.

Button Based Tic Tac Toe
This C++ application is an individual project from my OOP and GUI App Dev class. It uses inputs from the user interface to have any two users play tic tac toe locally on the computer.

McDowell's Algorithm
This is a project in algorithms. This code provides the optimal locations of restaurants along a road according to their location, worth, and minimum distance they must be from each other. Made with Java.

Memoized Coin Changing
This is a project in algorithms. This code efficienly provides a list of coins needed to give change for an entered result for the coin denominations: 12, 5, and 1. Made with Java.

Binary Search Tree
This is a project in data structures. This code reads from a list of words to make a tree. The code can track a list of anagrams for any given word. Made with Java.

This is a project in data structures. This code creates an IntListList class with operations for the data structure. Made with Java.

This is my first project in data structures. This code creates a gradebook and student class. Made with Java.